Investing in Your Childs Future
| Recommendations and Testimonials The parenting guide and methods have been evaluated and shown to reduce everyday child behaviour difficulties by 60% (Gill, 2000)
Here are what some parents have said: May I add, that I am very impressed with the course and it has helped my child and myself in many ways I have been doing the classes you provided online I am almost finished and they have proved to be very effective The Time Out Week. Simply put, I had to try to not feel guilty when I instituted a time out. Prior to this course, a time out was more of a warning tool that was never enforced. I wasn't really aware of the ramifications, but I found that my children really didn't hate me or become scarred from the time outs. In fact, I believe they benefited from the structure What was initially difficult was breaking my old habits. I actually had to think before I spoke, but I could clearly see a difference with my kids. It did test my patience at times with my son, but keeping the directions simple made a lot of difference
I know I rambled on, but I
really enjoyed the past five weeks. The interaction with my children increased
ten fold, and it was quality time. I will continue to utilize the skills gained
here and monitor the progress. I would love to receive an achievement award. We
would certainly be proud of it Revenue raised from the above service will be used towards maintenance and development costs to further improve the public services to families. Please subscribe now and once SECURE credit card payment has been received you can start using the Practical Parenting PLUS services. This will include immediate access to the printable parenting course, consultancy and subscription to the newsletter. Click
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About Us
World Vision is a Christian charity organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities worldwide to overcome child poverty and injustice.
Find out why so many children are living in extreme poverty around the world, learn about the causes and effects of poverty and famine.
Donate to charity online and enable World Vision to respond quickly when natural disasters strike. Your donation will help us fight poverty and justice around the world.
Sponsor a child in Africa and help to reduce child poverty. World Vision operates throughout African countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia to reduce child poverty and to promote child rights.
Sponsor a child in India and help to relieve child poverty with World Vision. World Vision is a NGO working throughout India to help provide clean safe water, food, healthcare and education.
Are your ready to stand up and take action against global poverty and inequality? Take a look at World Vision's campaigns to tackle injustice and see how you can get involved. ![]() Thu, 07 Jul 2011
World Vision is among leading UK aid agencies launching a joint appeal to help more than 10 million people in the grip of East Africa’s worst drought in over half a century...
Mon, 04 Jul 2011
The drought in Eastern Africa is the worst in more than 60 years, with more than nine million people severely affected, World Vision said today. Find out more online today.
Tue, 28 Jun 2011
World Vision UK has teamed up with award-winning garden designers to deliver a powerful message on global poverty through their garden at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show (5–10 July)...
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My name is Nuru
I am 11 years
old and I live in Ethiopia. My favourite hobby is
Your support will help me and my community to escape
extreme poverty